soon as possible about a major family concern. All in all, it was a pleasant day. What really cemented the decision to seek information on changing Shelley into a real girl was her meek acceptance of the fact that she would lose two years of school to join Cindy in her class. Sheldon would never have accepted such a fate. Only Shelley would do so.

The phone rang at a.m. the next morning. Dr. Cassandra Trate was returning Helen's call. Dr. Trate listened carefully as Helen explained all that had transpired. When she had gotten all the information, she laughed, startling Helen.

"Helen, this is just too precious! I have transformed dozens of boys and men into females! I'd be glad to explain everything to you. Why don't all of you come to my office this evening about 7 p.m.. I'll examine Shelley to see if there might be a physical cause, then we'll go from there. I must say that Shelley must be quite convincing as a girl if she fooled Barry Bangs. He works in conjunction with me in assisting to feminize males, especially reluctant transformees. When he's done with them, what with electrolysis and all, they're never able to appear masculine again! Of course, from the sound of the treatments he gave Shelley and Cindy it sounds like he unwittingly gave both the procedure! If you don't mind, I'd like to invite him to stop by to meet my latest candidate. I can't wait to see his face when he sees it's Shelley!"

Helen agreed, wanting to meet Barry Bangs. After the way Cindy and Shelley described the swishy man, coupled with Dr. Trate's revelations about his help in transforming males into females, she was anxious to meet him.

The day flew by. Fred was working with his crew while Helen and the girls bustled about the home cleaning. During breaks, Helen was delighted to see Cindy and Shelley happily playing with Barbies.

After supper, everyone piled into the minivan and headed into the city for the appointment with Dr. Trate. After parking in the lot, they approached the building that housed the clinic. As they turned to the front door, a mischievous gust of wind whipped around the corner of the building. Much to Shelley's surprise, the playful wind flicked the skirt of her light cotton dress high above her waist. Shelley

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squealed in alarm as she fought to hide her undies. Cindy was hit by the same gust, but she had instinctually reacted the instant she felt it. Deft use of her hands kept the skirt from fluttering above mid thighs. All but Shelley chuckled over her dilemma.

"Don't let it bother you, Shelley," Helen comforted the embarrassed child. "It happens to all of us. It's one of the less pleasant things we girls must endure. Of course, once you've had more practice out of doors, you'll be able to catch your skirt like Cindy did. Just be patient, you'll learn."

Shelley nodded her head morosely. All she could think about were the times Sheldon had laughed and teased when the same thing had happened to girls at school. Now that the shoe was on the other foot, it didn't seem quite so funny.

They reached the entrance to the building, went inside, and to the side of the lobby. They took the elevator to the fifth floor. Exiting the elevator, they identified themselves to the receptionist who smiled broadly at Shelley.

"Well, sweetheart," she said in a amiable voice. "You certainly are a pretty girl. If I hadn't been told you were a boy I'd never have guessed! I'm sure Dr. Trate can help you maintain your disguise and make you feel quite comfortable as a young lady. If you'll take a seat in the waiting area, I'll let the doctor know you're here."

Shelley was humiliated to learn the woman knew she was really a boy, but was grateful the waiting room was empty so no one else heard her words. In a few moments they were led to an examination room. Fred couldn't help but admire the shapely figure of the pretty nurse as they followed. Her rear swung saucily with each step, her micro skirt swinging to reveal her garters.

Once in the examination room, the nurse simply gushed with praise about Shelley's apparent girlishness, telling him that he was at a definite advantage over most of the boys they treated to become girls. After Shelley stripped to his panties and camisole, the talkative nurse took a blood sample, weighed Shelley, took his temperature, and recorded his height.

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